Help When and Where You Need It
- The Domestic Cleaning Business Network (DCBN) is working hard to raise standards in the domestic cleaning industry. Our mission is to ensure every cleaning company is Trained, Insured and Safe.
- Being your own boss can be tough, and whether you are established or just starting out, you will need support and someone to look out for you. We are a friendly community who will listen and support you then inspire you to be the business owner that you dream of becoming.
- The domestic cleaning industry is unique. It is both amazing and fulfilling yet challenging in so many ways. The DCBN offer tailored solutions to common problems specific to the domestic cleaning industry including cleaning, marketing, pricing, accounts, recruitment, health and safety, contracts, training, software solutions and so much more.
- Keep up to date with industry technology, news, innovation and opportunities. Membership of the DCBN will give you real-time information and interpret it in a way that will speed up the growth and development of your business.
Our Services
Live training and workshops
We hold regular online and in person training workshops and masterclasses on topics such as sales, managing your team, recruitment, raising your prices, employment law and more! Our extensive online training library is one of the key benefits of membership as members can access all the recordings 24/7 as often as they like!
Specialist industry training courses
DCBN specialist training workshops and courses are second to none in the domestic cleaning industry. From basic health and safety to COSHH, Risk Assessments, staff training, sales training and more, where better to ensure you and your team are Trained and Safe to clean your clients' homes!
24/7 online live peer support
Our Members Only Facebook group is active 24 hours per day with experienced business owners who enjoy sharing your experiences. This group grows friendships and knowledge in a relaxed environment. Our DCBN Directors are active in this group too, answering questions and supporting our members on a daily basis.
Library of essential business document templates
Everything you need to start your business and to level up and face the demands of a growing team. From employment contracts to client contracts, from price increase letters to holiday calculators, everything is in there and we are adding to it all the time.
Discounts on software and products
In order to help you get the very best value from your membership subscription to the Domestic Cleaning Business Network. we work hard to bring you offers and deals from some of the best suppliers to our industry. Fancy 20% off a Sebo vacuum, 10% off cleaning products? 15% off workwear? Insurance discounts? 75% off software? Look no further, our members ask and we deliver. You'll even receive 50% off in our own online shop to give extra added value!
Group Mentoring Sessions
Real friendships and communities grow in person, and we know how much a community matters to your business journey. In our monthly mentoring sessions, you can learn from your fellow cleaning business owners and benefit from the expertise of one of our experienced cleaning business owner coaches to guide each session. These sessions are discounted for DCBN members.